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Health and Child Welfare

  Informational & Practice Publications, Resources, & Tools    

For Child Welfare Professionals

  • Health Care Issues for Children in Kinship Care 
    This information packet from the National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections (NRCPFC) focuses on the health-related issues that are faced by children in kinship care.  It provides relevant facts and statistics, a review of policies and legislations, and identifies best practice tips and model programs.  A list of additional resources are provided.  Written by Lauren Morse (December 2005)


*Many of these resources were developed previously by the National Resource Center for
Permanency and Family Connections (NRCPFC).

  Informational & Practice Publications, Resources, & Tools    

For Child Welfare Professionals

  • New Developments in Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting 
    This issue of Pediatrics, the monthly journal published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, helps to highlight opportunities that home visiting provides to create partnerships with the pediatric community in supporting the nation’s children.  The articles appearing in the supplement demonstrate the need for close collaboration and close coordination across systems to address early childhood health and development, as well as to optimize communication, collaboration, and child health outcomes.  It also shows the importance of home visiting as a public health strategy to strengthen vulnerable young families and their communities to promote and assure the health, development, and well-being of children and families.  This publication was sponsored by the Health Resources and Services Administration and the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  (November 2013)
  • A Teen-Friendly Reproductive Health Visit 
    This resource from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outlines elements that are important in delivering youth-friendly contraceptive and reproductive health services, including: confidentiality, privacy, consent, accessibility, cultural and linguistic appropriateness, comprehensive services, and parent/guardian involvement. (Last updated September 2013)
  • Medicaid and Children in Foster Care 
    The health care needs of children in foster care are vast and often compounded by their circumstances. These children face myriad challenges – from placement instability, to emotional, behavioral, and educational difficulties, to juvenile justice involvement – that threaten their health and well-being. Because they are often at the intersection of multiple public systems including behavioral health, child welfare, education, juvenile justice, and primary care, it is critical for these systems to work collaboratively to meet their health needs. This brief from the Center for Health Care Strategies details the health care needs of children in foster care and the role of Medicaid in providing health coverage for this population. It also highlights existing policy levers that may help to address some of the ongoing health and well-being issues faced by children in foster care. (2013) 
  • Protecting Confidential Health Services for Adolescents & Young Adults: Strategies & Considerations for Health Plans
    This issue brief from the National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation reviews the legal protections in place to ensure confidential care delivery for adolescents and young adults, the effect of privacy and confidentiality concerns on the use of health services, and health insurance system barriers and other challenges to delivering confidential care to this population. The brief also presents several strategies for health insurers to assure that their billing processes are protecting adolescents’ access to confidential care. (May 2011)
  • Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) Rates Affecting Programs under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act
    The Program Instruction (ACYF-CB-PI-10-12) is to provide State, Territorial and Tribal title IV-E agencies with information regarding changes to the FY 2011 FMAP rates made by P.L. 111-226. 

    Action Required/Financial Reporting: Each title IV-E State agency should confirm that the State’s Chief Executive Officer has submitted, or will be submitting by September 24, 2010, the required letter requesting the application of the higher FMAP rate for that State as authorized through Public Law 111-226. States must use the applicable FMAP rate in submitting estimates and claims for each quarter in FY 2011.  This rate will be different, in accordance with current law, for each of these four quarters. When reporting prior quarter adjustments for title IV-E assistance payments, States should be careful to apply the proper FMAP rate applicable to the FY and quarter in which the cost was paid by or allocated to the IV-E agency.

    Inquiries to: 
    Children's Bureau Regional Program Managers or ACF Regional Grants Officers.


  State Examples    
  • New York: A Medical Guide for Youth in Foster Care
    New York State’s Office of Children and Family Services has released a 28-page booklet to guide youth in care through the health care system. The booklet covers informed consent, rights to privacy and to refuse medication, and information about how to get and pay for medical care. (2011)

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Last updated 8/18/14